“When you are in distress at the end of days.”

Are we not all in distress today? Anyone with a heart and a brain is in distress. Why? Because the world seems to be falling apart.


How are we to release the tears that will reunite us with our Beloved? The relationship between us and God is not theoretical. If we were not passionately attached to Him, do you think we could possibly have survived all these millennia in a hostile world?

Will we have peace? Yes, when we remember our love for the One Who has given us this perfect existence. All the trouble and insanity in this world springs from our rejection of His love. The moment we return to Him, all that noise and clatter, the minutiae that drive us crazy, the hatred that destroys our peace, all of it will disappear “k’heref ayin” – in the blink of an eye.

Hashem will once again “rejoice over you like a groom rejoicing over his bride.”

“Enter in peace, O crown of her husband, in gladness and good cheer, among the faithful of the treasured nation. Enter O bride. Enter O bride”(Lecha Dodi).

Ani l’dodi v’dodi li. This is the month of Elul.

Roy Neuberger’s latest book, “2020 Vision” (Feldheim), is available at Jewish bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Borders, and online at Amazon.com. Roy can be contacted at [email protected].


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Roy Neuberger’s latest book is “Working Toward Moshiach.” His book “2020 Vision” is available in English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, Russian, and Georgian. Roy is also the author of “From Central Park To Sinai: How I Found My Jewish Soul,” available in English, Hebrew, Russian, and Georgian, and “Worldstorm: Finding Meaning and Direction Amidst Today’s World Crisis.” Roy and his wife, Leah, speak publicly on topics related to his books and articles. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: www.2020vision.co.il.