In the Mi Sheberach for a sick person, we refer to refuas hanefesh u’refuas haguf – healing of the soul and healing of the body. The healing of the soul comes first. If someone were to break into our home or car, or physically attack us, we would without question call the police. It is an attack on our person, our guf. Sexual abuse has been described as an attack on the soul as well as on the body. And if the Mi Sheberach gives priority to nefesh before guf, it is a strong message to protect the soul. If murder of the body can result in a life sentence for the convicted killer, why not a similar sentence for murder of the soul?

Playing the odds with lottery tickets is fine. Playing the odds with people who work with and to whom we entrust our children absolutely is not. Prevent, Police, Prosecute – three P’s to protect our children from harm.


David Mandel is chief executive officer of Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services. He can be contacted at [email protected].


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David Mandel is CEO of OHEL Children's Home & Family Services.