Ben Gvir Alienates Allies by Allowing Jewish Prayer on Temple Mount

"I remember the days when they shouted at me 'Allah Akbar' and I shouted back at them 'Shema Israel' and was arrested."

First Draft Notices for Haredi Recruits Expected Next Week

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told the Knesset plenum last week that 3,000 haredi soldiers will be drafted to the military by next summer.

Signaling Shift, Israeli Interior Minister Calls for Orthodox Flexibility on Military Service

Arbel was speaking one day after Defense Minister Yoav Gallant told lawmakers he would begin drafting yeshiva students next month.

Leader of Lithuanian Haredim: Do Not Report to Draft Centers

"Do not show up at all at the draft offices, and do not respond to any draft summons, not even the initial summons."

Committee MKs Drill IDF’s HR Chief on Proposed Haredi Draft

Yesh Atid, MK Karine Elharrar-Hartstein asked if separating yeshiva graduates from female soldiers was necessary.

Police Say they Were Forced to Use Violence in Haredi Anti-Draft Rally

"It cannot be ignored that a significant part of those lawbreakers were children"

9 Supreme Court Justices Rule Haredim Must Serve, Cut Supports for Resisting Yeshivas

The practical outcome of Tuesday’s ruling is that the IDF enlistments revert to the original, general Defense Service Law.

Gallant Votes No on Coalition’s Haredi Conscription Law; Gantz, the Author, Also Votes No

If I were Netanyahu, I’d send Gallant home and replace him with Brigadier General Ofer Winter who has just been sent home by Gallant and IDF chief Herzi Halevi.

Revealed: Since October 7 the IDF Rejected 3,120 out of 4,000 Haredim Asking to...

“Meanwhile, some 66,000 Haredi youths were granted deferment of service because of the ‘their Torah study is their vocation’ stipulation.”

Neturei Karta Anti-Israel Demonstration Drowned Out by the Entire Haredi Community of Monsey

A small protest by Neturei Karta outside Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim (Scheiner’s Shul) on Forshay Road in Monsey Monday night sparked a massive counterprotest,...

Netanyahu Submits Haredi Draft Bill

Benny Gantz submitted this bill in the previous Knesset.

4,000 Participate in Memorial Day Ceremony for Fallen Haredim

This year, for the first time, the ceremony had to be held in Binyenei Ha'Uma to meet the high demand of Haredim to participate.

New Specialized IDF Units and Pre-Military Schools Meet Greatly Increased Haredi Recruitment

"More Haredim can be recruited into the IDF, the state just has to decide that it wants to."

Likud Trio Proposes New Rewards-Based Draft Law Amid Government Stalemate

Haredi party leaders have expressed openness to the proposed legislation as it does not include forced enlistment quotas.

Draft of Haredim Gains Momentum Within Community

In most cases, these are students from the Sephardi yeshivot, who are in any case better integrated into the general Israeli society.

Israeli Supreme Court Orders Stop to Yeshivah Funding for Haredim Required to Enlist in...

The Israeli prime minister had asked for another extension—this time for 30 days—so he could reach a political agreement on the issue

Haredi Battalion Rushed to Gaza during Basic Training Finally Graduated

The Haredi fighters’ war began on the day of Simchat Torah, October 7.

KKL-JNF Program Takes Jerusalem Haredi Kids Out into the Forest

Forest deputies are involved and active residents of the community, both in the construction process and in planning and accompanying the community forest.

Segregated Units, Economic Sanctions in New IDF Haredi Draft Bill

Netanyahu on Monday informed Likud ministers that the draft bill had to pass, or they wouldn’t have a government.

Haredi Parties Welcome Financial Penalties on Draft Dodgers in Draft Bill

Haredim who enlist would get benefits while those who do not would be financially disadvantaged through what is called “negative incentives.”

Coalition Freezes ‘Rabbis Bill’ to Avoid Government Collapse

The bill aimed to solve the severe shortages of city rabbis in Israel, because dozens of municipalities exist without a rabbi.

Study: Community Engagement Motivates Haredim to Pursue Higher Academic Education

93.8% of Haredi students at The Jerusalem College of Technology described having a positive experience in volunteer programs.

Abraham Today: 88-Year-Old Rabbi and his Wife, 56, Have a Healthy Baby Boy

“Some will say that since Abraham our forefather, who was blessed with Isaac our forefather at the age of 100, there has not been such a historic birth.”

Round 2: Haredim Take Back Beit Shemesh, Yona Yahav Takes Back Haifa, Oded Revivi...

Last Thursday, Degel HaTorah, Agudath Israel, and Shas united to support Greenberg in Beit Shemesh.

Haredi IDF Soldiers Kill Terrorists, Destroy Hamas Infrastructure in Gaza

The fighters of the battalion destroyed anti-tank and observation posts, tunnel shafts and also eliminated terrorists in the area.

Israeli Self-Defense Groups Train Haredim to Protect their Neighborhoods

So far, some 1,500 Haredi volunteers have joined the project, receiving training from Hashomer HaChadash.

Haredi Father of Six from Brooklyn Serving in the War

His wife, the mother of their six children, told him she could see on his face that he wanted to fly to Israel.

AG: Without Extension of Haredi Exemptions by End of March – They’re All Enlisted

Baharav Miara’s latest warpath during a war * cracks in Netanyahu’s coalition wall * Haredim change from militant to military * Rabbi Yochanan and the draft.

IDF Launches Fast-Track Haredi Basic Training Program

The army wants to recruit ultra-Orthodox citizens to protect their own communities.


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