Photo Credit: Rabbi Eliyahu Safran
Rabbi Eliyahu Safran

There was a leader. There was a community defined by its norms and its willingness – desire, even – to follow the authority of the leader.

As Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer bemoaned in a recent essay on, “The horse is out of the barn. There are no rules anymore. Everything goes. Making it up as you go along.”


This is not music. This is not harmony. This is not the power of a beautiful orchestra, filling a concert hall with a sound worthy of the music of the spheres, holy, ethereal, sanctified. Instead, it opens the door to a future none of us can imagine. “No one knows where this all will lead or what the next innovation may be, but we are witnessing the emergence of a new denomination before our very eyes. It is truly frightening.”

Tetzaveh! Where is our leader? Where is the community who will take heed? How will our sanctuary be built?

They have introduced dissonance to our beautiful symphony.

How dare they?


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Rabbi Dr. Eliyahu Safran is an educator, author, and lecturer. He can be reached at [email protected].