Photo Credit: Flash 90
Arabs with Israeli citizenship riot in the northern Galilee. (archive)

The way to change this is by getting new leadership that truly believes in the miracles of the Six Day War. This leadership will not need to bring in 9,800 soldiers – but will do so if necessary. It will look straight into the CNN camera and tell them, and the entire world, that “Zo Artzeinu” – “This Is Our Land” – and Jews will settle, build and thrive on every inch of it. No room to build in Jerusalem? Nonsense! There will be hundreds of thousands of new apartments built all across the city and if the lame duck in Washington doesn’t like it, he can call his buddy Kerry to cry over it.

While writing this article, the Tazpit News Agency emailed me a question that I would like to use to close this article. What perfect timing this was:


“Do you have a comment regarding the role of the King of Jordan in the status quo and the current situation? Especially since Bibi spoke with him to reassure him about it, and these new rules follow that?”

Here was my answer to him:

“We do not recognize the role of the King of Jordan – in any way – regarding the issue of Har HaBayit. Our Father in Heaven returned that priceless property to His children in 1967 and only the Jewish leadership in the State of Israel will determine and decide what happens there. The days of Jews asking foreign kings in Israel for permission to pray and build are over – FOREVER!”

This is the message we need to send – as quickly as possible – or the situation will go from bad to worse. With Hashem’s help, this new leadership of Moshe Feiglin, myself and others, are on the way. Pray for our success. The peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel depends on it.


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Shmuel Sackett is the founder and director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation.