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“This question pertains to every person in the world,” answered the Baal HaTanya. “All of us need to ask ourselves ‘where am I on this world?’ As for instance, you, sir, would be wise to ask yourself: ‘I am today forty-five years and three months old and what have I to show for myself in this world? Ayeika… where am I?’”

Upon hearing these words, the minister trembled, for these were indeed precisely the number of his years on earth, and he realized that he was addressing a holy man. He then assured the Baal HaTanya that he would do whatever he could to see to his release.


* * *

May we merit seeing evil eradicated from the face of this earth and may we soon witness the rebuilding of the Bais HaMikdash so that the vav is inserted in Teves, rendering it tovas — goodness.

(This essay is dedicated l’ilui nishmas my dear mother, Sara bas Bentzion, z”l, whose yahrtzeit falls on the 27th day in Teves. May her memory be a blessing in the life of the World to Come.)


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Rachel Weiss is the author of “Forever In Awe” (Feldheim Publishers) and can be contacted at [email protected].