Photo Credit: The Israel Project Wiki-commons

What’s it like arriving at a terror scene?
Tamar speaks with guests on a variety of topics, but also an exclusive interview with an Emergency Medic, David Daphan, from Magen David Adom -Israel’s emergency medical service, who treated the wounded at Monday morning’s terror-stabbing attack.

Also, join guest Paul Miller, director of who talks about:
Israeli baseball
David Friedman clears the first hurdle.
The Trump – Abbas phone call


And don’t miss ‘Bombs and Red Lipstick’.
Noemi Schlosser is currently travelling across Israel to interview THE YOUTH OF 1948: The men and women who built the country and the State of Israel. They believed in something bigger than themselves and it’s thanks to their devotion and sacrifice that we have a Jewish Homeland today. These amazing Jews are well into their 80s and 90s, with some over a 100 years old! So there is no time to waste to record their memories! Noemi shares some of their amazing stories! Visit their website at:

Tamar Yonah Show 13March2017 – PODCAST


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