Photo Credit: Gershon Elinson / Flash 90
View of the Jewish community of Karmei Tzur, near Hebron in Judea.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman is promoting the construction of thousands of new housing units in the Judea and Samaria settlements, according to a Defense Ministry press release sent out on Thursday.

Next week, the Defense Minister will submit for the Supreme Planning Council’s approval about 2,500 new housing units for immediate construction, and another 1,400 units for advanced planning procedures, in more than 30 communities in the liberated territories.


The main communities in which the new construction plans are expected to be approved are: Ariel 400 units, Ma’aleh Adumim 460, Ma’ale Efrayim 45, Kiryat Arba 150, Alfei Menashe 40, Avnei Hefetz 130, Hinanit 80, Halamish 60, Talmon 180, Neve Daniel 170, Tene-Omarim 130.

“We have promised to promote construction in Judea and Samaria and we are keeping our promise,” Liberman said in a his office’s announcement, noting that “the 2,500 new housing units we will approve next week in the planning council are for immediate construction in 2018.”

“In the coming months we will approve thousands of additional housing units,” Liberman extended his promises. “We will continue to develop Judea and Samaria with action.”

And now we’ll start the countdown for these latest Liberman promises to come true. As you probably know, there have been a few already.


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