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While recently riding on a private local bus, I couldn't help but overhear two elderly, balbatish ladies talking.

The Working Well Spouse

Working outside the home is difficult. For woman with a young family, it is even harder.

Whining And Dining, Nickel And Dimeing

Earlier this month, I spent the July 4th weekend at an out-of-town Shabbaton.

Rav Avigdor Miller: His Years as Mashgiach

What follows below should be read in light of what Orthodoxy in the United States was during the forties, fifties and sixties. Orthodoxy certainly looked at least 'externally' different than it does today. In general, Orthodox Jews dressed in a fashion similar to their gentile neighbors. Most Orthodox men were clean shaven.

Rav Avigdor Miller: His Years as Mashgiach

What follows below should be read in light of what Orthodoxy in the United States was during the forties, fifties and sixties.

Just Another Morning

I have often read Lessons in Emunah. When several of my friends told me I ought to submit the following I decided to follow their advice.

On The Difference Between Murderers And Freedom Fighters

Moments after the latest bus bombing in Jerusalem this morning (January 29th), the group claiming responsibility, the Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, identified its action as an expression of "freedom fighting."

Where Rain Reigns, Hail Is Hailed, And Israel Is Real

Perhaps the one characteristic that unites people of all nationalities, cultures and creeds is a fascination with weather, especially bad weather.

Candles On The Carmel

''We are three blocks away; you will be home in a minute.''
The taxi driver nudges me rudely into semi-consciousness. I try
to shake the fog from my head. I am still half asleep, staring
through the window at the Christmas lights. As consciousness
slowly seeps through, something here is out of place. Why is there
a giant Christmas tree on display in Budapest when it is months
after Christmas? I shake my head some more. No, it is not
Budapest. I left Budapest six hours ago and have been flying all
night. I must have succumbed to exhaustion on the ride up to
Haifa in the taxi from the airport.

The Palestinians’ Gal At The New York Times

Yes, another Monitor on The New York Times - and if you don't understand why the Times warrants constant scrutiny, you probably shouldn?t be reading this column to begin with.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/sections/magazine/stupidity/2004/12/01/

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