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Tag: Quartet

Greenblatt Welcomes Palestinian Authority Deployment to Gaza Crossings

"If Hamas is to play any role in a Palestinian government, it must accept these basic requirements."

Incoming Defense Minister Rattles Israeli Political Establishment

MK Avigdor Liberman rocked the political establishment by agreeing to become the defense minister.

UN, Quartet Working on Strategy to Revive Israel-Palestinian Authority Peace Talks

Quartet envoy Nicolai Mladenov announces the latest plan for dragging the Palestinian Authority back to peace talks.

Tony Blair Appointed Chairman of European Council on Tolerance

Blair is stepping down as the Quartet's 'peace process" envoy, a position in which he did almost nothing, thank God.

Tony Blair Steps Down as Quartet Middle East Envoy but No One Cares

The U.S. State Dept. had a difficult time explaining what the Quartet has ever accomplished except spending money.

Report: Tony Blair to Resign as Quartet Mideast Envoy

Former UK prime minister Tony Blair is reportedly set to announce plans to resign as Quartet envoy to the Middle East.

PM Netanyahu Debunks Peace Deal Claim: ‘Peres Had No Deal With PA’

The Prime Minister’s Office has denied President Shimon Peres ever reached a deal with PA Chairman Abbas.

Shimon Peres Honors Henry Kissinger with Award,Quartet Head Tony Blair Reflects on ‘Arab Spring’

Kissinger: “It is unusual for an 89-year old man to say that I wish my parents could be here. They would be more proud of this distinction than any of the other honors that have come my way.”

Obama, Clinton, Abbas, Comparing Notes on Eve of Quartet Meet

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton phoned President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday, ahead of a meeting of the international Quartet scheduled for next month. Clinton's call to Abbas was to follow up on discussions between Abbas and Obama a day earlier.

US: Hamas-Fatah Agreement an ‘Internal Matter’

State Department spokeswoman reiterates that any Palestinian government must abide by the international agreements and norms that the Quartet had laid out.

Abbas: No Progress in Amman

PA president not excluding possibility of additional low-level discussions.

Report: Palestinians Demand Prisoner Release to Continue Talks

The Palestinians are reportedly seeking the deportation of Marwan Barghouti and Ahmed Sa'adat.


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Printed from: https://www.jewishpress.com/news/eye-on-palestine/greenblatt-welcomes-palestinian-authority-deployment-to-gaza-crossings/2017/11/03/

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