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Thanks to Twitter, I am in correspondence with an Italian historian who is trying mightily to convince me that Pius 12 was an all around good guy and lover of the Jewish people. By way of evidence he has supplied the fact that a few famous Jews, who were not historians, said some nice words about the Pope back in the 50s and a report compiled by some Yad Vashem historians that I have not read because it costs $50.

Meanwhile, I keep asking the following questions. Should he answer them (holding breath) I will report back.


#1: Why did the Pope excommunicate every single Communist in the world, but never excommunicate a single Nazi?

#2 Why did he cancel and suppress his predecessors’ anti Nazi encyclical? 

#3 Why did he protest the Nazi euthanasia program but not Final Solution? (The Nazis backed down)

#4 Why did he protest Nazi round ups of converted Jews, but not round ups of non converted Jews?

#5 Why did he protest invasion of Scandinavia (full page headline on the front page of the Vatican newspaper!) but not the Final Solution?

#6 Why didn’t he protest or quit  when Civiltà Cattolica ran a series of editorials accusing Jews of ritual murder, notably in 1915 following the Bellis case? His direct superior, the monster Cardinal Rafael Merry Del Val personally approved those editorials. Why didn’t he complain?

#7: Why did he permit the German Churches to hold a Requiem Mass upon Hitler’s death? Meanwhile, three there was no papal prayer or Mass celebrated in solidarity with the Jews.

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DovBear blogs at: DovBear. For lack of a better metaphor, please consider this blog a very large shabbos table, where we sit together and discuss the parsha, the news, and other events of the day. Sometimes we yell, often we gossip, and, once in a while, the talk turns salacious. Our arguments are lively, but at the end of the day, its all just talk. The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not represent the views of The Jewish Press