Photo Credit: All the images in this article are courtesy Rachel Moore
The Moore children are thriving in Israel.

If my husband I did not both speak Hebrew well, and couldn’t speak to teachers regularly and clearly in Hebrew – which we do every single week, at least once or twice a week – I have no idea how we would be surviving. We are able to read the notes that come home from school, help with homework, etc., it takes MUCH more of our time than it did outside of Israel, but we are able to do it, and I cannot imagine our Aliyah if we could not.

The amount of time we invested in keeping up and improving our Hebrew in the years before we came here, and the amount of time we invested in our children’s Hebrew before we moved has made a huge, huge difference.

Barak Moore and Children

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Blogger and mother of 12, Varda Meyers Epstein is a third-generation Pittsburgher who made aliyah at age 18 and never looked back. A proud settler who lives in the biblical Judean heartland, Varda serves as the communications writer for the nonprofit car donation program Kars4Kids, a Guidestar Gold medal charity. The author's political opinions are her own and not endorsed by her employer.