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Which of course is an astounding statement, since the head of the UN investigatory body says he can’t verify that at all.

So who exactly are Goldberg and the President relying on?


Goldberg is apparently counting on the Ayatollah to reject the deal and pull everyone’s chestnuts out of the fire.

What can we conclude?

It’s clear Goldberg believes the US is cutting a bad deal in which Iran will get the bomb later rather than sooner – though possibly sooner too; but he thinks a bad deal is better than no deal, even though the bad deal won’t actually stop Iran from getting the bomb sooner if that’s what Iran chooses.

Goldberg believes that Netanyahu could have somehow convinced Obama to cut a better deal, but he failed to do so, as if Netanyahu had any influence on Obama.

Goldberg is betting the Ayatollah will reject the deal, which of course means Iran would then certainly continue to develop their nuclear weapons.

“I’ve always been skeptical. Ayatollah Khamenei may make Netanyahu’s job easier by rejecting even a generous deal, because he’s Ayatollah Khamenei.”

Goldberg doesn’t want Iran to get the bomb, but he comes across as accepting that they probably will.

Goldberg is right, he’s didn’t contradict himself… he’s just given up.

Goldberg believes Iran has won, and this article is his concession speech.


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