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The question you should be asking yourself is why hasn’t Lapid-Gantz’s Blue&White party formed a government yet. After all, they have supposedly have a majority. Instead they are trying to take over the Knesset Speaker’s position and pull other shtick.

The answer is, they probably can’t form a coalition, and they know it.


While they have 62 in their “Just Not Bibi” camp, to actually form a government, they’ll need to rely on not just the Joint Arab List, but a number of MKs in their coalition who don’t want to rely on the Joint Arab List. It may be a tie, at best. Furthermore, there’s no way they can effectively run the country with such a coalition.

So what’s their plan instead?

It appears they want to take control of the Knesset so they can pass a series of anti-Netanyahu laws. Once they do that, they assume Netanyahu won’t try to force a fourth election – which lapid-Gantz know Blue&White will seriously lose after lying so boldly to their voters.

They may hope that that will force Netanyahu to agree to whatever terms they offer rather than retire sooner than he planned — specifically to be second in rotation, by which time they hope to try and have him completely out of the Knesset

Except, with nothing to lose, and seeing exactly what Blue&White are doing, Netanyahu may be willing to call their bluff and hold those elections to knock Blue&White down to size, while figuring out how to get around that legal challenge, perhaps by getting those personal laws disqualified as anti-democratic (yeah, I’m also laughing at the likelihood of this High Court doing that).

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JoeSettler blogs at The and occasionally on his own blog at