Photo Credit: Atia Mohammed/Flash90
Gazans want to emigrate from Gaza.

The fact that the West happily pushed for millions of Syrian refugees and Ukrainian refugees to be resettled all over the world, but somehow insists that Gazans must remain in Gaza and not be resettled anywhere else, should make people have alarm bells going off in their heads.

The double standard shouts to the high heavens.


It is added to the fact that the United Nations has two refugee organizations – UNHRA that helps refugees from all over the world be resettled. And UNRWA that keeps Arab Muslim refugees, refugees for life, from the genocidal Arab wars against Israel from 1948 & 1967. Only UNRWA allows children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of refugees also be considered refugees, even if they actually do live in other countries! The “palestinian refugees” are the only refugee population that grows year by year!

Two proofs that the “palestinian” issue, and their refugees, is used by the international community to weaken and destroy Israel.

If the world really would care about them, there would only be one UN refugee organization and they would have been resettled decades ago.

The interesting thing about the idea being written about in the Wall Street Journal, is that this once delegitimized idea, is now being proposed by a representative of the Likud party together with a representative of the left-center Yesh Atid party.

This is a huge sign that the Israeli public is finally waking up to reality.

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Avi Abelow is a social media activist for Israel and the Jewish people, Editor of and the