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What’s next in the creeping Nazism of Europe. Yes, I’m calling it Nazism when Israeli Jewish businesses are being systematically banned from Europe.

Israel to Stop Exports of ‘Settlement Products’ to EU Israel will end its export of poultry and dairy produce from communities beyond the Green Line, in line with EU directives.

Only the historically blind can insist that there’s no connection between the early anti-Jewish restrictions in Germany and what is going on now. And the worst is that the Israeli Government is cooperating Judenrat style with this! As far back as 1933, Nazi policy makers had discussed establishing Jewish-led institutions to carry out anti-Jewish policies. The concept was based upon centuries-old practices which were instituted in Germany during the Middle Ages. As the German army swept through Poland and the Soviet Union, it carried out an order of S.S. leader Heydrich to require the local Jewish populace to form Jewish Councils as a liaison between the Jews and the Nazis. These councils of Jewish elders, were responsible for organizing the orderly deportation to the death camps, for detailing the number and occupations of the Jews in the ghettos, for distributing food and medical supplies, and for communicating the orders of the ghetto Nazi masters. The Nazis enforced these orders on the Judenrat with threats of terror, which were given credence by beatings and executions. As ghetto life settled into a “routine,” the Judenrat took on the functions of local government, providing police and fire protection, postal services, sanitation, transportation, food and fuel distribution, and housing, for example……When the Nazis required a quota of Jews to participate in forced labor, the Judenrat had the responsibility to meet this demand. Sometimes Jews could avoid forced labor by making a payment to the Judenrat. These payments supplemented the taxes which the Judenrat levied to finance the services provided in the ghettos. (Jewish Virtual Library)


What is the point of having our own state when it cooperates with those who are against us?

Now Europe is blocking dairy and poultry, but next it will be fruit and vegetables and after that the import of wine and our participation in wine contests. Just wait!

For the past few years, Israeli wines from the Benjamin and Samaria areas have been consistent winners at prestigious Israeli and international wine competitions:

Rechallim: A Samaria (Shomron) vineyard has won the “Oscar Award of Wine” in Israel’s annual Golden Grapes competition.The Tura vineyard in the settlement of Rachelim won both the gold and the silver medals in the annual Eshkol HaZahav – the Golden Grapes – competition. The prestigious award has been dubbed by international connoisseurs as “the Oscar of wine.”


Samaria Regional Council head Gershon Mesika sent his congratulations to the owners of the Har Bracha winery for two medals won in 2013 DECANTER competition held in Britain. Shira and Nir Lavie established their own winery in the Samaria region ten years ago, when they realised other wineries in the country were interested in buying the grapes they produced. This young winery took a silver medal for its 2011 Petit Syrah and a bronze for its 2009 Highlander Cabernet Sauvignon Gold. With over 14,000 wines from 52 countries in the competition, this is no small honour. Har Bracha, which produces about 30,000 bottles a year, is now one of seven wineries in the Samaria region. As farmers realise the perfect mix of altitude, climate, and soil available for grape-growing, wine production has become more popular there.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.