US Muslim Group Wants Israel Expelled from Paris Olympics

The letters conclude with a mad show of cynicism: “The Olympic Games should be a beacon of hope, unity, and respect for all human beings, whether Palestinians or Ukrainians or anyone else.”

Biden Admin Bans Elor Azaria from Entering US, Six Years After He Serves Prison...

For some reason, his family will also be barred from applying for a visa to the United States.

Pro-Israel Influencer Yoseph Haddad Banned from YouTube Again

The few pro-Israel accounts need to be defended,” the IDF veteran said.

Labour’s Muslim Justice Secretary Shabana Mahmood Is BDS Supporter but Also Condemned Hamas

The MP for Birmingham Ladywood since 2010 is a long-time supporter of BDS against Israel, and a regular at anti-Israel rallies.

Smotrich Levies 100% Tarif on Turkish Imports As Long As Erdogan Is President

The resolution to be submitted for the government's approval next week will remain in effect until Erdogan leaves office.

Jewish Group Demands Lawmakers Intervene in Sonoma State’s Academic Boycott of Israel

AMCHA Initiative’s studies have consistently found a strong correlation between BDS activity and acts of antisemitic assault, harassment, and vandalism on campuses nationwide.

Greta Abandons Fight for Planet’s Future to Join Hamas Protests

Planet Earth’s savior Greta Thunberg, 21, diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, OCD, and selective mutism, is no longer into saving the planet, she now wants...

J Street Lauds Biden Admin Arms Freeze Against Israel

The NGO urged the White House to take "all necessary steps" to stop Israel from launching a large-scale operation against Hamas in Rafah.

Google Fires 28 Tech Workers over Cloud Computing Contract with Israel

Project Nimbus means that crafty Russian and Iranian hackers will have a much harder time stealing Israeli government and IDF data.

Anti-Israel Protests at Brooklyn Bridge, Chicago O’Hare, Golden Gate Bridge, Many Other Sites

A coordinated effort on April 15 (tax day) aimed to shut down economic activity at sites throughout the United States and in other countries.

Anti-Israel Activists Plan Riots to ‘Disrupt Global Economy’

"The Zionist project must end now. The time has come to open up new fronts against the Zionist war machine," stated the A15 Action group.

Turkey Restricts Israel Exports over Gaza Airdrop Rejection

Jerusalem is vowing to "take parallel measures that will harm the Turkish economy."

California’s Pitzer College Suspends Israel Study Abroad Program

Pro-Hamas students on campus are hailing the termination of the program as a victory.

Canadian Weapons Makers Push Back Against Boycott on Israel

Apparently, $20 million will get you a lot of toys in Canada.

Amnesty Israel Summoned to Finance Ministry Amid Calls to Strip Tax Benefits

According to Israeli Finance Ministry Director General Shlomi Heisler, the NGO has violated anti-boycott legislation.

US Sanctions Israeli ‘Settlers,’ But Won’t Reveal its Sources

The United States has blacklisted a total of seven Israelis pursuant to President Joe Biden’s Feb. 1 Executive Order, but will not reveal how it determined that they are "undermining peace, security and stability" in Judea and Samaria.

EU Close to Sanctioning Jewish Judea and Samaria Residents (and Hamas)

“It seems that today all will agree on putting sanctions on both Hamas and the violent settlers who are harassing Palestinians,” Joseph Borrell said.

Israeli Officials Blast New Biden Admin Sanctions Over ‘Settler Violence’

Gush Etzion Regional Council mayor calls the sanctions "another scandalous decision from the chairman of Joe Biden's election campaign."

Anti-Israel Groups Planning NJ Protest Against Shiloh Winery

“I purchased this land from the Israel Lands Administration, paid the Economy Ministry for its development and fees to the Binyamin industrial zone."

Oslo University Severs Ties with Haifa University Over Oct. 7 War with Gaza

U Haifa Pres. Prof. Ron Rubin: "I call on the members of the board to withdraw - in their own interest - from their delusional decision."

100 Progressive Jews Boycott Elon Musk, Urge Big Advertisers to Join

Jonathan Greenblatt has managed to elicit the support of his fellow Jewish progressives against the offending X and Elon Musk.

Likud MK: Israeli Anarchists in the US Are Worse than the PLO & Iran

"You have crossed every red line, you are dragging the entire nation of Israel into the abyss."

Chikli on UK Trip: ‘I Did Not Feel Any Boycott’

Leftist activists yelled at the minister as he entered the London offices of the Jewish Agency.

Iranian Weightlifter Banned for Life After Shaking Hands with Israeli

The athlete "crossed red lines" with the exchange on the medal podium in Poland.

NY Court Rejects Suit Against Unilever Over Ben & Jerry’s Israel boycott

A Michigan pension fund sued for compensation for a drop in shares' value.

Economy Minister Barkat Plans to Break Down the Strauss Conglomerate

Barkat said: "It is unreasonable that huge companies decided to re-educate the public."

US Anthropologists Voted to Boycott Israeli Academia – Now Who Will Show Them How...

The nice folks at the AEN were thinking that American academia, including the AAA, was “committed to open intellectual inquiry.”

Boycott-Israel Proponents Suffer Third Consecutive Loss in Court

With the dismissal of a challenge to Texas’ anti-BDS law, the BDS movement doesn’t appear to have any judicial cards left to play.


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