Photo Credit: Roni Schutzer/Flash90
Yair Lapid with a friend

The generally accepted indicators of economic health put Israel in a good position, so why has Finance Minister Yair no future Lapid been declaring us on the verge of bankruptcy?

A few months ago he took away a good portion of the Child Allowances, so now more Israeli children have less and are in poverty or close to it.  And recently he keeps harping that we must do everything America and Europe say or our economy will collapse.

Finance Minister Yair Lapid on Monday said that Israel’s economy will take a blow if there is no arrangement reached with the Palestinians. “It will hit the pocket of every Israeli if we don’t deal with it,” he said in an interview with Army Radio. “Every Israeli needs to make a decision. He needs to know that if there’s not an arrangement his economic life will be harmed, and he needs to decide what he thinks about it.”


Those predictions and  policies are very dangerous and can cause more economic problems than our going our own way would have.

Knesset Foreign Relations and Security Committee member, Jewish Home MK Yoni Chetboun, this morning slammed the repeated warnings, both on the part of foreigners and Israeli government ministers, that Israel is facing a complete severing from the world economy should it fail to comply with the Palestinian, European and American demands for withdrawal from Judea and Samaria, Srugim reported. Accoding to MK Chetboun, “We are under an assault of cognitive terrorism intended to pressure Israel.” The equation is simple,” he continued. “The more stressed and weak we look, the stronger the boycott campaign will become. These terrorist threat won’t hold water unless we provide them with a vessel.” In that context, said Chetboun, the drama that Ministers Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid are introducing into the discussion is dangerous, and will only lead to increased pressures. “I understand the concern,” Chetboun added, “and no one thinks that an economic boycott would be good for Israel. But the irresponsible panic of Lapid and Livni is only fanning the flames of the scare campaign and the boycotts. I expect the Zionist left, too, to show responsibility and not to push Israel into undertaking dangerous steps.”

Read more here.

The best thing for the Israeli economy is to conduct our affairs without paying attention to what all the foreign busybodies say.  They really don’t care about our future.  They have their own agendas and want us to fail, fall and cease to exit.

We, the State of Israel,  must conduct our policies and economy according to what’s best for us and how to expand, not contract.  A strong and sovereign Israel is an independent one.  The Netanyahu government coalition is going the wrong way.

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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.