Thousands of Angry Pro-Hamas Protesters and Israeli Ex-Pats Try to Drown Out Netanyahu’s Speech

The demonstrations may have been in protest of Israel’s military response to the Hamas atrocities, but it was all about Netanyahu.

Meet UnXeptable: US Yordim Dedicated to Defeating Israel’s Right-Wing Majority

UnXeptable has been able to unite anti-Israel American Jews against the right-wing majority government.

CAIR Head Suggests Jewish State Forged Reports Iran Trying to Kill Trump

The White House invited CAIR to be an adviser to its national strategy for combating antisemitism before removing the group in December.

Peace Now: Israel on the Way to Complete Annexation of Judea and Samaria

They describe violent Arab harassment of Evyatar’s Jews as “a significant security burden on the security forces.”

Simply Unprofessional: US Sanctions the Wrong Israeli ‘Violent Settler’

It's not so much clumsiness as another example of how the Biden administration is getting its information on events in Judea and Samaria from anti-Israel NGOs.

Peace Now: 3 New Settlements, 5,295 Homes in Judea and Samaria; Minister Strook: It’s...

The Supreme Planning Council approved today and yesterday (July 3-4) the promotion of 5,295 housing units in dozens of settlements throughout Judea and Samaria.

Israel Releases Photos of Doctor in Islamic Jihad Uniform Following Aid Group’s Denials

"Doctors Without Borders tries to consider Al-Wadiya an innocent healer who saved lives."

NY Times Invites Israel’s Extreme-Leftists to Demand Congress Cancel Netanyahu, ‘Does Not Speak for...

This coalition of good old boys who sees its demographic prospects slipping is appalled by the idea that folks like Ben Gvir and Smotrich are rising.

‘Doctors Without Borders’ Attacks Israel for Killing Jihad Terrorist with Medical Day Job

Later, the IDF spokesman posted the video of the elimination along with the announcement that "an Air Force aircraft eliminated the terrorist Fadi Jihad Muhammad Alwadia.

UN Watch Accuses Albanese of Taking Payments from Activist Groups

Francesa Albanese’s “support for terrorism and promotion of antisemitism” “is now compounded by serious financial improprieties,” said the NGO in a complaint filed to the U.N. secretary general.

Report: Levi Strauss Heir Rachel Gelman a Major Force Behind Pro-Hamas Groups

Rachel Gelman has contributed thousands of dollars to two of the most vile anti-Israel Congress members, Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) and Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN).

Biden Admin Gives $50M to ‘Climate’ Group Glorifying Oct. 7 Massacre

"The path to climate justice travels through a free Palestine . . . As we work to free Palestine, Palestine is freeing us."

Report: 50% Drop in Terrorists’ Weapons Seized Since IDF Dismantled Hilltop Youth Unit

The Desert Frontier unit also offered a solution to a growing problem in the IDF combat units that no one dares mention: Bedouin trackers.

Jewish Voice for Peace Mocked for Claim Israeli Holidays Meant to Overshadow ‘Nakba Day’

"JVP and their ilk see Israel as an irredeemable evil in a binary world composed of victims and oppressors," wrote David May, of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

J Street Lauds Biden Admin Arms Freeze Against Israel

The NGO urged the White House to take "all necessary steps" to stop Israel from launching a large-scale operation against Hamas in Rafah.

Red Cross Official Exposed as Hamas Stooge

ICRC administrator Haythem Abid marches in anti-Israel rallies and posts Hamas propaganda.

Ben Gvir Establishes Police Unit to Remove Leftist Provocateurs from Judea and Samaria

Tensions are emerging between Ben Gvir and General Yehuda Fox as both officials claim the right to carry out police actions in Judea and Samaria.

About Time: Israel Expels British, French Anarchists Who Breached Security Area

This week’s deportation was a step in the right direction, but not necessarily a change of policy.

Amnesty Israel Summoned to Finance Ministry Amid Calls to Strip Tax Benefits

According to Israeli Finance Ministry Director General Shlomi Heisler, the NGO has violated anti-boycott legislation.

US Sanctions Israeli ‘Settlers,’ But Won’t Reveal its Sources

The United States has blacklisted a total of seven Israelis pursuant to President Joe Biden’s Feb. 1 Executive Order, but will not reveal how it determined that they are "undermining peace, security and stability" in Judea and Samaria.

Pro-Hamas Protesters in Britain Destroy Historic Painting of Lord Balfour

Lord Balfour authored the Balfour Declaration of 1917 while serving as Britain's foreign minister.

Red Cross Compares Captured Gazan Terrorists to Israeli Hostages

"Since October 7, Israel has suspended visits to the Palestinian prisoners in the prisons. At the same time, Hamas has so far not allowed visits to the abductees it is holding. This is unacceptable."

Biden Suspends Sale of 20K Rifles to ‘Violent Settlers’ following General Yehuda Fox’s ‘Secret...

The only assurance the Biden administration will accept is Netanyahu’s sacking of Itamar Ben Gvir.

IfNotNow Mourns Brandeis U’s Ban on ‘National Students for Justice in Palestine’

And then there was IfNotNow Boston, catering to antisemites who prefer their Jew-hatred to come from Jews.

Thousands of Anti-Israel Protesters Shut Down NYC’s Grand Central Station

The New York Police Department said at least 200 protesters were arrested.

Swiss Foreign Office Suspends Funds to 11 Arab NGOs, including 5 Anti-Zionist Israeli Groups

“The decision was taken in light of the new situation since the attack by the militant group Hamas on Israel on October 7."

Blinken Meets with Israeli Crypto Fascists in Effort to Americanize the War, Force 2-State...

Beware of Greeks bearing gifts, said the post-traumatized citizens of Troy watching their city burning.
Israel Uncensored: Natalie Portman Snubs Bibi - BDS Declares Victory

US Appeals Court Dismisses Challenge to Texas Anti-BDS Law

Thirty-seven states across America have passed anti-BDS laws.


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