Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon / GPO
Donald Trump with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at at Trump's residence in New York, September 25, 2016.

I caught a short clip on United with Israel that has Donald Trump say something one doesn’t usually hear from American leaders. The Clintons and Obama have been heard to say many times that they’ll “stand by Israel” or have its “back,” but here Trump says something else:



There’s a big difference between those terms/phrases.

So far it’s not official, but there’s talk that the Trump team wants to invite Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the Inauguration. So far it’s just talk, but considering the amount of pro-Israel Jews Donald Trump has appointed to important positions, anything is possible.

I wonder how long it will take, if ever, for Trump to seriously reduce the amount of support the American Government gives to the PA-Palestinian Authority.


Donor Contribution (US$)
United States of America 408,751,396
European Commission 139,402,221
Saudi Arabia 103,519,499
United Kingdom 95,328,127
Sweden 79,975,260
Germany 54,838,742
Norway 35,911,782
Japan (including JICA [Japan International Cooperation Agency]) 28,278,535
Switzerland 27,158,461
Australia 23,707,542
Netherlands 22,474,045
Denmark 22,339,767
Kuwait 17,000,000
France 16,800,000
Italy 10,775,259
Belgium (including Flanders) 10,772,636
Finland 8,865,753
Ireland 8,464,730
Palestine 8,453,349
Turkey 8,129,618


The Trump team has a lot of work to do to fix things in terms of Israel and our security.


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Batya Medad blogs at Shiloh Musings.