Photo Credit: Ouria Tadmor/Flash90
Thousands of Greeks protest in Athens against new austerity reforms

Extreme-right parties are also on the rise. In Greece, the neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn won 7% of the vote on May 6. For the first time, the Nazis entered the Greek parliament, winning no fewer than 21 seats.

Europe’s shift to the Left will also affect its domestic policies: the Left’s penchant for deficit spending and multiculturalism will become dominant again. Rather than bringing peace and prosperity to Europe, the failed EU project may lead to economic decline and risky political behavior.


As explained earlier, the shift in European politics will surely affect Europe’s future relations with the rest of the Western world, in particular the U.S. and Israel. While Golden Dawn remains a fringe party, the extreme-left Greek Syriza party became the second biggest party in the country on May 6, surpassing the socialist Pasok party. Syriza has a party platform which includes “disengagement from NATO” and “termination of the military cooperation with Israel.” Syriza is expected to become the largest party when the Greeks are called to the voting booths again next month.

In France, too, the election victory of the Socialist Francois Hollande has driven Jewish unease. “More French Jews will leave France,” journalist Melanie Phillips predicts.

The fact that Kohl’s atonement policy for German crimes during the Second World War has led to the euro disaster is bitterly ironic: the people bound to suffer the worst as a result of Kohl’s hubristic euro policies are Israel and the Jews.

Originally published by Gatestone Institute

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Peter Martino is a European affairs columnist for the Gatestone Institute.