Photo Credit: Courtesy of the Office of Governor Kathy Hochul
Senator Schumer, nice hat!

The media decided to defend Sen. Schumer’s attack on Israel and warning to spare Hamas and create a terrorist state by rushing out his ‘rabbi’ Rachel Timoner to claim that “he said what most of us think” and “what the overwhelming majority of American Jews are saying to each other”.

The first part of that is probably true.


Rachel Timoner is an activist with such anti-Israel groups as J Street, T’ruah and co-founded the New York Jewish Agenda leftist organization alongside Sharon Kleinbaum who faced an exodus from her ‘temple’ after saying Kaddish for Hamas terrorists with a mission of fighting the city’s Orthodox Jews.

The latter isn’t because these anti-Israel extremists don’t represent Jews. They represent only the Jew-hating far Left.

Bringing out Timoner, the clergywoman of the leftist congregation Schumer attends, doesn’t help him. It reveals how bad he really is.

Let’s take a look at what Rachel Timoner has been up to.

Timoner took part in a recent anti-Israel ‘ceasefire’ rally while whining that, “continued war and Israeli occupation of Gaza will be an unmitigated disaster”.

Rachel Timoner signed on to a letter by the T’ruah anti-Israel hate group which claimed that “there is no military solution” and demanded that Biden “ensure that Israel does not invade Rafah” and finish off Hamas.

In the past, Rachel Timoner had signed on to a T’ruah/J Street letter defending BDS.

Timoner, the author of op-eds such as “Fellow Dykes: We Must Be Both Pro-Israel And Pro-Palestine”, tries to have it both ways, but she picked her side.

The side of those who murder Jews.

We know what Timoner is. Now what does tell us about what Schumer is?

“Schumer has attended Timoner’s synagogue near his home in Park Slope, Brooklyn for at least a decade. Timoner officiated his daughter’s wedding, blessed his three grandchildren and buried his father.”

This is what Schumer embraced as his guiding spiritual light.

A mere few weeks after the Hamas atrocities, Rachel Timoner was already scolding Israel in a sermon, warning that, “killing thousands of Palestinian civilians will not bring back the Israeli civilians.”

She repeated the same message in a New York Times op-ed.

T’ruah summed up Timoner’s remarks at one anti-Israel rally as, “American Jews must tell our govt we oppose this war and want an end to the occupation and a real political solution for Palestinians and Israelis.”

That’s the message Sen. Schumer took to the Senate. It’s not the message of American Jews, but of their leftist and Islamist enemies.

{Reposted from FrontPageMag}

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Daniel Greenfield is an Israeli born blogger and columnist, and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. His work covers American, European and Israeli politics as well as the War on Terror. His writing can be found at These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinion of The Jewish Press.