The world is demanding (again) that Israel make peace with its terrorist neighbors. Almost no one is demanding that the Arab neighbors make peace with Israel. Everyone realizes that Israel wants and needs peace and everyone realizes that no Arab state is genuinely interested in making peace with Israel.

It would seem that the Arab concept of peace in the Middle East and how it will be achieved is to destroy Israel, expel the Jews and have the Middle East populated only by Arabs. The concept is simple but the Arabs are sure that the world will eventually force all of the Jews out of Israel because peace is more important than justice. Many European and several American leaders seem to believe that we must sacrifice Israel and the rights of her people for the sake of world peace in our time.


Europeans seem to not realize that Europe is already squarely in the sights of the Muslim Arabs and that a well-planned mass immigration into Europe by Muslim students and “refugees” has progressed to the point where population characteristics are slowly being modified.

News reports do indicate that some Europeans have begun to realize that this Arab immigration plan has begun to reduce the Christian majorities in Europe, but it may be too late to reverse the process. In just a few more years the Arab plan will have achieved its goal. An understanding of the invasion plan seems very simple. The European non-Muslim birthrate is usually less than two per couple while the Muslim birthrate can reach four to 14 children per couple. The cleansing of Europe of its non-Muslim population will be accomplished in another two or three generations.

Unfortunately, the same is true in Israel, as Jews have fewer and fewer children and Arabs maintain their high birthrate. Visit any Israeli hospital maternity ward and see with your own eyes the simple truth. Most of the women in the ward are Palestinian Arabs. Too many secular Jews are also opting to emigrate to Europe and America, thus further reducing the Jewish population of Israel. Only one group of Jews is growing faster than the Arab population and that is the ultra-Orthodox. Unless there is another huge influx of religious or non-religious Jews to Israel, similar to the recent Russian immigration, the ultra-religious Jews and the Muslim Arabs will be the only remaining residents in Israel. Our only hope is that the modernized Muslims reduce their birthrate and that the ultra-Orthodox continue to multiply.

Americans are also beginning to realize that with Europe succumbing to the burgeoning Muslim population, America is next. In the past, immigration laws made it difficult for Muslim to immigrate to the U.S., but under President Obama and the loosening of the immigration laws, the Muslims are now also “invading” America in ever greater numbers. Some American cities are already witness to public Muslim prayer on main thoroughfares where Arabs come to demonstrate their growing power.

The statistics are scary and the Muslims have the patience to wait until they outnumber the native population. They also do not adapt, as previous immigrants have, to the American culture. The UN estimates that Europe will be 55 percent Muslim within 20 to 30 years. England already has more Muslims than does Lebanon or Syria.

How can we fight this trend? First we must have the will to fight. Europe is almost lost. America, if it does not wake up soon, will be next.

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