Is there a solution for the military crisis plaguing Israel’s south? Can Israel successfully deal with the Kassam rockets? Or is Prime Minister Ehud Olmert right when he tells us that we just have to get used to it?


         You don’t need to be a military expert to come up with a plan to solve the Gaza problem. Israel already has a successful model that works perfectly – at least since the Yom Kippur War. It is the real peace model that has been implemented for years in the Golan Heights.


         Have you ever asked yourself where the safest place in Israel is? Where you don’t have to worry about Arabs throwing rocks at your car? Where you can walk around at night without fear of arms or drug smugglers crossing the border? Where missiles don’t fly and bombs don’t explode? In short, where is the place that you are safest from both external enemies and internal Arab terror and crime?


         That place is the Golan Heights. Without even trying, possibly even by mistake, Israel enjoys real peace there. Any new peace plan must follow the principles that have brought us true peace in the Golan. There are just five easy steps:


         1. Encourage Arab emigration

         2. Conquest

         3. Israeli sovereignty

         4. Settlement

         5. No peace accords


         Sixty thousand Syrian Arabs who were scattered throughout villages in the Golan Heights disappeared even before the Golan was liberated. The only ones who stayed were the Druze in the Golan’s north. These villages are the exception that proves the necessity of implementing the first principle.


         The second principle, conquest, was fully implemented by Israel in the Golan. No foreign forces remained there. The area is entirely controlled by Israel.


         Israel declared sovereignty over the entire Golan, settled it and, most important, never signed a peace treaty with Syria. This is how we have prevented the war under the guise of peace that we suffer on our border with Egypt from repeating itself on our border with Syria. These five steps will bring peace and security to Gaza, Judea and Samaria.


         How do we encourage the Arabs in these places to emigrate without the necessity of a major war? Al-Najah University in Shechem answered that question with their poll results. It turns out that over 60 percent of the Arabs in Judea and Samaria do not need any encouragement to leave. They are disgusted with the rule of the armed thugs that the Oslo Peace Club forced upon them. Their preferred destinations are the Gulf States and Canada.


         Many Western states currently suffer from negative demographics – less than two children per family. They are anxious to absorb skilled immigrants like the Arabs of Judea and Samaria who have learned quite a lot from Israel over the past 60 years. The huge current of Muslim immigrants that has engulfed the Western world over the past few decades points to the fact that this solution is entirely possible. Israel must make available to the Arabs all the resources necessary to encourage this trend.


        Approximately 10 percent of Israel’s entire budget is wasted annually on impossible solutions based on the Oslo eagerness to partition the Land of Israel. This sum constantly grows, as mega-costly solutions like the separation fence are proven absurd. They are then exchanged for even more grandiose defensive schemes, such as cutting edge space technology to protect Israel’s citizens from flying pipes. The colossal sums of money spent on these unrealistic programs could be spent more effectively. Instead of paying for more white elephants, Israel can give $250,000 to every Arab family that will stake its future far from Israel’s borders.


         Israel can implement a political plan based on the Golan Heights model. It depends on nothing more than our mentality. All that we must understand is that this is our land – not theirs. The question is whether Israel really wants peace, or if the “peace process” is just a euphemism for getting rid of the settlements that force Jewish identity on Israel’s tiny “elite.”


         As simple and effective as this plan may be, it will most likely not be adopted. Instead, Israel’s current leaders will stubbornly continue down the Oslo path of blood and terror. The sensible, Jewish solutions will all be pushed to the sidelines – because the minority ruling our country today is simply uninterested.


        (Translated from the article that appeared on Israel’s NRG website.)


         Moshe Feiglin is the founder and president of Manhigut Yehudit (the Jewish Leadership movement), dedicated to building authentic Jewish leadership for Israel. For more information or to order Feiglin’s newest book, The War of Dreams, visit

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Moshe Feiglin is the former Deputy Speaker of the Knesset. He heads the Zehut Party. He is the founder of Manhigut Yehudit and Zo Artzeinu and the author of two books: "Where There Are No Men" and "War of Dreams." Feiglin served in the IDF as an officer in Combat Engineering and is a veteran of the Lebanon War. He lives in Ginot Shomron with his family.