Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90

Originally published at YUTOPIA.

Editor’s note: Although the sound file is very entertaining and very thought provoking, like the rest of the Talmud, it’s intended only for grownups. Parents, please listen to the podcast before deciding whether or not you child should hear it.

Ben Dama, the son of R. Ishmael’s sister, asked R. Ishmael: I dreamt that both my jaws fell out; [what does it mean]? — He replied to him: Two Roman counsellors have made a plot against you, but they have died.


Bar Kappara said to Rabbi: I dreamt that my nose fell off. He replied to him: Fierce anger has been removed from you. He said to him: I dreamt that both my hands were cut off. He replied: You will not require the labor of your hands. He said to him: I dreamt that both my legs were cut off. He replied: You will ride on horseback.1 dreamt that they said to me: You will die in Adar and not see Nisan. He replied: You will die in all honor [adrutha], and not be brought into temptation [nisayon].

(B. Berachot 56b-57b)

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Rabbi Joshua Yuter was ordained in 2003 from Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary. He also holds a B.A. in Computer Science from Yeshiva University, an M.A. in Talmudic Studies from Yeshiva University, and a Master’s Degree in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago. Rabbi Yuter is also an alum of Yeshivat Har Etzion. He is currently the rabbi of The Stanton St. Shul on New York’s historic Lower East Side.