Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Then, I fell asleep from sheer emotional exhaustion.

When I woke up (extra late) there was a missed message from my friend. I returned her call, not knowing what to expect.


She told me that she called her mother and asked if they could mend their relationship. They spoke for the first time since January! Both requested and received forgiveness. The conversation was healing and upbeat.

As soon as she hung up with her mother, my friend received the news that the visitation agreement she had hoped for had been decided in her favor. Her voice was lighter and happier than it had been for months!

Within a half hour, her mother called me to say thank you for helping her patch things up with her daughter!

At the end of my work day, I spoke at length to my friend. She was joyous for the first time in months! How apt for her to make up with her own mother and then be allowed to be with her children on the terms she had been davening for.

My lessons in emunah? Have emuna in yourself, repeat the words of our beloved Torah lecturers and call your parent!

May all of our blessings be free-flowing and may we all see yeshuos!


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