Photo Credit:
Josh Admon, owner of Urbun

Sometimes you need to step away from the center of Jerusalem’s Shuk Machane Yehuda to find the real gems.

Walking down Hashikma Street, which is one of the lesser-known, quieter, but much cooler sections of the shuk, we completely didn’t notice Urbun’s storefront.


On the way back up Hashikma Street, we heard someone talking with an American-accented Hebrew and met Josh Admon, the owner of Urbun.

Josh makes and serves delicious buns and some unusual blended hot and cold teas (coffee too, but we didn’t try any).

Josh, who is a very pleasant fellow, made Aliyah from Los Angeles over a decade ago, and has been in the food business forever.

We noticed the street is a bit quiet, so he’s missing out on much of the shuk’s foot traffic, but from what Josh told us, word-of-mouth has been very good to him (justifiably so) – and just between the two of us, eating some excellent, fresh buns and drinking delicious tea on a quiet street in the center of Jerusalem is nothing to be scoffed at.

Urbun in Jerusalem’s Shuk Machane Yehuda

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