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Can Europe absorb and rehabilitate killer-children and other kids who have been war-hardened?
Sometimes people forget that KIDS are causalities in war. But when it is their own parents or leaders that use them for killing, suicide bombings, human shields, or even just good ‘propaganda’ for their cause, kids are still victims. But can they be rehabilitated to live normal lives after all they’ve been through?

Tamar Yonah speaks with Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin who holds a doctorate in Islamic literature and is a psychoanalyst counter-terrorist expert specializing in early childhood development, including the mind and body language of the Jihadi.


She is the author of the book, ‘The Jihadi Dictionary: THE Essential INTEL Tool’, and …. ‘The Last Two Jews of Moga-dishu Living Under Al Shabaab’s Fire’.
She is currently working on upcoming books including:

Children who Kill Children
Beyond Brainwashing
Festivals of Blood
and Phantas-magoria of Terror

Contact her at:
The Tamar Yonah Show 12March2018 – PODCAST

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