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Some people think that Israel is all about dodging bombs and bullets. They couldn’t be further from the truth. Find out what the English speaking community in Israel does for FUN, while knowing that their money goes to charity and good causes.

Tamar first speaks with Shifra Hoffman of Victims Of Arab Terror and talks about some of the political news happening.


Afterwards, it’s time to laugh, laugh, laugh… and help new immigrants to Israel while doing so. Check out the ‘KeepOlim Comedy Night’ with Jewish stand-up comedians talking about their aliyah to Israel, and how funny it can be. Hurry and order your tickets now – proceeds go to charity.

Also, a new play (only for women) that will touch your soul, and make you laugh, and cry is coming to Jerusalem! The Women’s Performance Community of Jerusalem presents: ‘Count the Stars:The Journey of Avraham and Sara’ – the epic story of our matriarch and patriarch who changed humanity with their faith and loving kindness. It’s one of the most exciting projects in Jerusalem today!!! Get your tickets here. Proceeds go to charity.

Lastly, Tamar talks about what they are saying in Jewish circles about the new U.S. president. Is he a re-incarnation of King Cyrus of old? Is he a ‘redeemer/messiah’ for Western civilization? Tamar tells you what’s circulating around.

Tamar Yonah Show 20Nov – PODCAST

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