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Rabbi Nathan Lopez Cardozo discusses with Walter his controversial and drastic solution to prevent once and for the endless objections to the Orthodox control of all procedures at the Western Wall area.

For some time now, on one day, at the beginning of every month a group of women turn up at the Western Wall, dressed up like men, wearing Talit (prayer shawl), Tefilin (phylacteries) and Kippah (scull cap), insisting – contrary to the longstanding and never contested rule – on loud, unbecoming communal prayer in the women’s section, including reading from the Torah, causing disturbance to the decorum of regular worshipers.


They, assisted by the Reform movement, want to conduct mixed sex services and remove the partition that divides men from women; a halachic (religious) requirement at prayer services and religious ceremonies.

Is it feminist provocation or a serious desire to serve God? It would be interesting to know if they observe all other religious commands incumbent on women.

Hear: Why Kristallnacht was on the 9th of November 1938.

Also: Why Avigdor Liberman is unfit to be Defense Minister; and the confusion between the powers of the Knesset and the Supreme Court.

And: Walter gives his thoughts free reign.

Walter Bingham File 20Nov – PODCAST

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