Hey Friends,


People around the world (me included), are feeling whiplash from the sudden stop we are all experiencing. The chaos of Corona has hit the breaks on the roller-coaster of life and now that the train has stopped, people are feeling dizzy.

We have the power to control our thoughts and chose how to respond to every situation. What should be our response to this transitional time? What are we supposed to think? What is the mindset best for transition and transformation?

The wisdom of the Book of all Books has a powerful answer. King David, in a Messianic Psalm, instructs us how to think and what to do. May this Psalm be our prayer and the medicine for our minds and souls.

This is a good time to take the time to pray – If you would like to receive my music album “Awake” and the my ebook “The Judean Art of Waking Up” ($25 Value) for free – email [email protected]. This is my offering to the public to try to bring more Light from Israel to the world in this dark time.

Shalom from the Mountains of Judea!

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