Photo Credit: Eve Harow
Rejuvenation: On the Eve of AIPAC

Eve is in Washington DC getting ready to “March 4th” into the annual 3 day American Israel PAC Policy Conference. The pro-Judea and Samaria crowd, not given a platform in the official sessions, are having our own event on Monday. (Weather permitting), a great line up of Israeli Ministers-including Bennett and Shaked- and Members of Knesset will attend, along with US officials who understand that embracing the Biblical Heartland is the best way to combat the de-legitimization of Israel. She shares some thought provoking Torah lessons heard on Shabbat, including ancient Egypt as the first BDS-ers. If you don’t fight the fight, someone else will. She’s in the US for 2 weeks, armed with the strength of Zion. Think good thoughts!

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