Photo Credit: Arnon Segal
Tom Nisani and Sara Lurcat get married on the Temple Mount. June 29, 2017.

Mazel Tov!

Tom Nisani married his fiance Sara Lurcat on the Temple Mount on Thursday, in front of kosher witnesses, friends, video cameras — and the not so watchful eyes of the Israeli police.


The happy couple had to perform their wedding ceremony surreptitiously, as the police, if they had noticed, would have arrested them both for performing a Jewish ritual on the Temple Mount. The Muslims, if they had seen it, would have rioted.

Nisani is the head of the student organization, “Students for the Temple Mount” and Sara is also an active member.

The police will be investigating the marriage ceremony, and they may ban the two from going up to the Temple Mount in the future.

This isn’t the first wedding on the Temple Mount in recent history. In April 2016, another couple secretly got married on the Temple Mount.

Mazel Tov to the happy couple. May they merit to build a faithful home in Israel. They are already off to a great start.

Tom Nisani and Sara Lurcat after their wedding on the Temple Mount. June 29, 2017.
The wedding guests of Tom Nisani and Sara Lurcat. June 29, 2017.

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