Photo Credit: Divuach Rishoni / social media
Windshield of a bus broken in a stone-throwing attack. (archive)

From last Friday to this this Friday, 22 Jews were injured in 60 recorded terror attacks (see list below).

The attacks include firebombs, targeted fireworks, stone-throwing, burned fields, firebomb attacks on Jewish homes and explosive devices.


The following is a list of the attacks, compiled by HaKol HaYehudi:

Thursday – July 30

21:36 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the West Bank village of Azzun, damage reported

10:40 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails at Israeli vehicles near the village of Beit Ummar in Gush Etzion

Wednesday – July 29

• Arabs threw firebombs and stones at police in Jerusalem’s Isiwiya neighborhood

18:06 Dozens of Arab rioters near the village of Beit El Jalazun threw stones at IDF forces

16:45 Arabs threw stones at vehicles at the intersection of Mount Hebron strings

13:24 Dozens of Arabs rioted in the village of Silwan in Jerusalem

12:22 Arabs threw an explosive device at the Tomb of Rachel. The worshipers were taken away and a police sapper on his way to the scene (Tazpit News Agency)

• Arabs threw stones at a bus in Jerusalem, damage reported

Tuesday – July 28

0:23 Arabs threw firebombs at homes in Ma’aleh Olives in Jerusalem’s Old City

23:22 Two passengers were lightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at another bus Hizma-Anatoth Benjamin

22:43 Arabs threw stones at policemen near the Shuafat checkpoint in Jerusalem

19:59 Arabs firebombed military vehicles on the Gilad raod in the Shomron

17:55 Arabs threw bottles of paint at a bus near the community of Negohot in Mount Hebron, damage reported (Tazpit)

17:34 Dozens of Arab rioters from the village of Jalazun near BEit El and throwing stones at IDF forces

13:02 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on Route 55 near the settlement of Karnei Shomron, damage reported

9:14 Arabs threw stones at vehicles on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, damage reported

Monday – July 27

0:23 A fire broke out in the town of Psagot Benjamin after Arabs threw multiple firebombs at homes

22:46 Arabs threw stones at an Israeli bus near the settlement of Beit El in Binyamin

21:37 Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail at Israeli vehicles near the settlement of Ma’ale Adumim

20:39 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the old mosque in the village of Hawara in Samaria

19:05 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the settlement of Ofra in Binyamin

18:33 Arabs threw stones at vehicles near the village of Sinjil Benjamin

18:32 Dozens of Arab rioters in Qalandiya and threw stones at border police forces

18:24 Arabs threw stones at an ambulance near Mount Hebron

17:01 Jewish woman was lightly injured by stones thrown at her vehicle near the Arabs up Maaleh Levona Binyamin settlement

11:22 Gvaot forest fire resumed. Three firefighters working there.

11:10 Arab terrorists imprisoned in jail, ignited a fire in one of the cells. 11 prison guards and two inmates were injured moderately easy to smoke inhalation, one of the guards was evacuated to a medical center.

11:09 The fire broke out in Elon Moreh was renewed. Three firefighters working there.

Sunday – July 26 (Tisha B’Av postponed)

• Police forces were attacked by dozens of Arabs in Qalandia

0:21 Arabs set off fireworks at the Border Police A-Tur neighborhood in Jerusalem

23:20 Two Jewish passengers were slightly injured by stones thrown by Arabs at the bus line 142 near the square, Benjamin person. One was lightly injured by shrapnel and suffered a shock second. The two were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem

19:04 Two policemen were wounded by a Molotov cocktail thrown by Arab rioters in Isiwiya

18:00 Arabs set fire to a forest fire in Gush Etzion hills. Six planes and six firefighters with volunteers were in place.

16:30 Elon forest fire flared up again. Eight firefighters and six aircraft were in place. Two mobile homes were burned down

15:54 Hebron Arabs attacked a soldier and tried to breach the Givat Avot neighborhood in Hebron.

19:13 Arabs set fire to a tire on Highway 437 near the settlement of Maale Adumim Benjamin

14:11 Arabs threw Molotov cocktails and stones at Border Police in Isiwiya

8:10 Four police officers were injured in riots mass of Arabs on the Temple Mount

Saturday – July 25

0:33 Arabs threw stones at the Jews in the Old City of Jerusalem

21:42 Arabs attacked Jews in Hebron

21:19 Two nights suspects were identified approaching the settlement of Elon Moreh in Samaria. IDF forces fired a flare during a chase after them, and the forest near the village caught fire. The fire spread quickly to the homes and three firefighters with civilian and military forces worked to extinguish the fire. One of the suspects was apprehended and questioned by the Israeli army.

Friday – July 24

21:20 Firefighters arrived to extinguish a fire in Isiwiya Jerusalem, a confrontation between police and Arab rioters. Number of people shut down affected by tear gas, and two of them were evacuated to a medical center for further treatment

22:00 Arabs hurled stones at police in Isiwiya

19:05 Dozens of Arab rioters Jalazun in Benjamin and throw stones at IDF soldiers

19:00 Dozens of Arab rioting and throwing stones at IDF forces in the settlement of Kedumim

Among those injured in the 60 attacks were:

Eleven prison guards were injured when jailed prisoners set fire to the prison.

Four policemen were injured on the Temple Mount during Arab attacks on Tisha B’Av.

Two policemen were injured in Arab riots in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Isiwiya .

Two passengers were injured on bus #142.

Two other passengers were injured in a stoning attack near Hizma.

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