Photo Credit: Hadas Parush / Flash 90
Border Police guard the entrance to the Temple Mount . (October 2014)

Following the escalating and extreme violence by Muslims on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the police have restricted Muslims access to the site, in order to reduce the likelihood they will attack Jews, police and visitors on the Jewish people’s holiest site.

On Wednesday morning, 250 Arabs protested at the Lion’s Gate against the police restrictions, though not against the ongoing Arab violence and terror that caused the police to restrict their access in the first place.


The protesters on their parts said it was not fair that Muslims were restricted from praying on the Temple Mount while Jews were allowed to pray at the Kotel.

There are no known incidents of Jews throwing Molotov cocktails and cinder blocks at visitors to the Kotel.

Among the protesters were Arab MKs Jamal Zahalka, Basel Gatz and Hanin Zoabi. Ynet reports that the protesters clashed with police as they tried to get a group of Arab women onto the mount.

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