Photo Credit: ABB
Brooklyn's "Vote No on the Nuclear Deal" rally organizers singing Ani Ma'amim. (L to R) Cantor Shlomie Rabin, Councilmember David Greenfield, Jeffrey Davis (back row), Kalman Yager (back row), Chanina Sperlin, State Sen. Jesse Hamilton, Zaki Tamir, Yaacov Berhman, Assemblyman Dov Hikind. Aug. 26, 2015.

New York City Councilmember David G. Greenfield (D-44) told the that after New York State Senator Jesse Hamilton (D-20) returned from a trip to Israel with Greenfield and the NY Board of Rabbis this summer, Hamilton wanted to know what he could do to help. The State Senator was genuinely concerned about the dangers that a nuclear armed Iran would pose for the region and to Israel.

Hamilton then offered to hold a rally in his district to encourage members of Congress to vote against the deal.


And on Wednesday, Aug. 26, in front of the Jewish Children’s Museum in Brooklyn, these elected officials, along with New York State Assembly Member Dov Hikind (D-48) and many community advocates, joined together to let federal elected officials know that they oppose the Nuclear Iran Deal and they want members of Congress to vote “no” on the deal.

Hamilton told the crowd:

Iran Nuclear Deal supporters focus on the early years. Well, what happens when Iran receives generous upfront sanctions relief? When tens of billions of dollars go to terrorist groups like Hamas and Hezbollah or to groups who have plotted attacks in Buenos Aires, Berlin, Jerusalem, and Washington DC?

And further down the line, this deal allows restrictions to phase out over time. I stand with my community in demanding a better deal: prevent sponsorship of terror, stop Iran menacing us and our allies, and don’t rely on trusting words from Iran to assure our security.

Rally leaders praised those who have come out against the deal and criticized those who support it or who have not yet committed.

Yaacov Behrman, one of the rally organizers, said that “this is probably the biggest decision of Congresswoman Yvette Clarke’s (D-NY-9) career. The rally was in her district. The community may never forgive her if she supports this flawed deal. I hope she has the courage to withstand White House pressure and do the right thing”

The crowd at a rally against the Nuclear Iran Deal in Brooklyn, Aug. 26, 2015.

“I am proud of Senator Schumer and other members of New York’s Congressional delegation for standing up for the Jewish community, Israel and America’s security. My problem with the Iran deal is simple: it’s a bad deal,” said Councilman Greenfield. “It does not protect anyone. It is time that our Brooklyn representatives followed Schumer’s lead and let Obama know that we can negotiate a better deal for America.”

The New York City Councilman pointed out that several local congressional representatives have not yet taken a position on the Agreement. Those include, in addition to Clarke, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY-8) and Rep. Nydia Velázquez (D-NY-7).

The message Greenfield wanted the rally to send was that “members of Congress are our representatives, they must listen to their constituents who are telling them, overwhelmingly, to vote against this deal.

Both Greenfield and Hikind condemned Cong. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY-10) for supporting the Nuclear Iran Deal.

“Nadler ignored the wishes of constituents,” Greenfield said, “and now he is surprised by the community’s reaction? This community is engaged and it will hold those who vote for this deal accountable.”

Hikind mocked Nadler, saying “Jerry is upset” about the reaction to his announcement to vote in favor of the agreement. “Poor Jerry Nadler.”

The Assemblyman went on to say ““The deal with Iran, the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, is extraordinarily naive and dangerous. Based on initial reports, this is a total capitulation. The only winner is Iran. The deal essentially paves Iran’s path to a nuclear weapon.”

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Lori Lowenthal Marcus is a contributor to the A graduate of Harvard Law School, she previously practiced First Amendment law and taught in Philadelphia-area graduate and law schools. You can reach her by email: [email protected]