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Originally posted at Knesset Jeremy.

Panels conducted a poll of 534 people with a margin of error of 4.3% for Maariv that was first published their sister paper the Jerusalem Post on Dec 26 2014.


Poll Results / Current Knesset seats in [brackets] 24 / [21]  Labor-Livni

23 / [18]  Likud

17 / [11]  Bayit Yehudi

11 / [19]  Yesh Atid

11 / [11]  *United Arab List (5 Hadash, 6 Ra’am-Ta’al, 0 Balad)

07 / [07]  Yahadut Hatorah/UTJ

07 / [06]  Meretz

07 / [–]  Koolanu (Kahlon)

05 / [13]  Yisrael Beitenu

04 / [10]  Shas

04 / [02]  Ha’am Itanu (Yishai/Chetboun)

00 / [02]  Kadima

Coalition structures:

67 / [61] Right-Religious (Possible BB coalition) 53 / [59] Center-Left-Arab (Anti-BB coalition)

*I will list Hadash, Ra’am-Ta’al & Balad together as “United Arab List” & give separate results in (brackets) until they complete merger.

Additional Questions: Is the timing of the investigation into Yisrael Beitenu’s figures political? 44% Yes, 40% No, 16% Don’t know

(80% of Yisrael Beitenu voters answered yes) How corrupt are the following party leaders from a scale of one to ten. Liberman 7.1, Netanyahu 5.5, Livni 5.4, Lapid 5.1, Herzog 4.6, Bennett 3.6, Kahlon 3. Do corruption allegations affect your vote? 14% Yes

Which party leader would best handle economic and socioeconomic issues? Kahllon & Herzog – high. Liberman – low.

Which party leader would best handle security issues? Netanyahu – high. Kahlon & Lapid – low.

Do you believe another escalation will take place soon in the Gaza Strip? 64% Yes, 20% Don’t know, 16% No

Do you want Prime Minister Netanyahu to be re-elected?
55% No.

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Jeremy Saltan is a frequent guest on various radio programs and and a veteran political analyst. He has run political campaigns in English and Hebrew for Israeli municipality, party institution, primary and general elections. Jeremy’s opinion pieces have been published, quoted or credited by Voice of America, Daily Beast, France 24, Washington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Israel National News and the Jewish Press and more.