Photo Credit: MFA
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman (Yisrael Beyteynu)

Avigdor Liberman presented his party’s list for the Knesset on Monday evening.

As expected, Yair Shamir is officially off the list.


In the first six realistic positions are:

1) Avigdor Liberman

2) Orly Levy-Abekasis

3) Sofia Landover

4) Ilan Shochat

5) Sharon Gal

6) Hamad Amar

Skipping down to position number 20, Liberman introduced a surprise player, British born Judean Revenant, Ashley Perry — whom we were hoping would have at least been placed in the top 5, which would have given him a reasonable chance at getting into the Knesset. Still, that’s better than the Likud, which, as of yet, doesn’t have any native English speakers on their list at all.

Perry is a long time advisor to Avigdor Liberman, as well as to other government ministers. He most recently worked in the Foreign Ministry.

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