Photo Credit: White House
Seder at the White House. The one without the kippa is President Obama.

That is part of root of President Obama’s hatred of Netanyahu. The Prime Minister does not accept the president as an honorary member of the Tribe.

Obama sees Netanyahu as racist, and that goes against his grain. He knows that Judaism is not racist, he sees Netanyahu as racist, and therefore views Netanyahu as a bad Jew.


President Obama prepped for his sermon tonight at Adas Israel with an interview on Thursday with Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic, and said:

I consistently received overwhelming majority support from the Jewish community, and even after all the publicity around the recent differences that I’ve had with Prime Minister Netanyahu, the majority of the Jewish American community still supports me, and supports me strongly.

And then he pulled out the race card:

When, going into an election, Prime Minister Netanyahu said a Palestinian state would not happen under his watch, or there [was] discussion in which it appeared that Arab-Israeli citizens were somehow portrayed as an invading force that might vote, and that this should be guarded against—this is contrary to the very language of the Israeli Declaration of Independence, which explicitly states that all people regardless of race or religion are full participants in the democracy.

President Obama, and the establishment media that preach against anti-Semitism, are the most dangerous anti-Semites because they  express “love” through incitement and lies with such charges that Netanyahu “portrayed” Arab voters as an “invading force.”

The Prime Minister did not even hint that Arabs do not have the right vote or should not vote. He simply stated that if Likud party supporters don’t get out and vote, they would be forfeiting their future to the opposing Arab Knesset party.

“Racism” is the new cudgel for the American Jewish liberals  and for the Obama administration.

J Street has been preaching for years that Israel is racist.

The Palestinian Authority has not ignored the new “Israel is racist” theme .

Its negotiator Saeb Erekat this week told European Union foreign policy chief  Federica Mogherini that the Netanyahu government is “racist” and “extremist” and cited the decision, since reversed, to implement new security measures that would have meant Palestinian Authority workers would get off public buses at checkpoints for inspections and then board local buses for Palestinian Authority citizens. The Obama administration followed the Israeli and foreign media’s out-and-out lie that Israel was initiating a system of “separate buses,” or “Apartheid buses.”

The lies worked and the government rescinded the decision, which actually was improper for a different reason – the system would have added hours to the travel time for Palestinian Authority workers.

Obama sees himself as the savior of Israel and, like so many well-mean including Christians, he thinks he understands Judaism better than Jews

He knows better than Israeli what is best for Israel:

He told Goldberg:

Being pro-Israel and pro-Jewish is part and parcel with the values that I’ve been fighting for since I was politically conscious and started getting involved in politics. There’s a direct line between supporting the right of the Jewish people to have a homeland and to feel safe and free of discrimination and persecution, and the right of African Americans to vote and have equal protection under the law….

When I was in Jerusalem and I spoke, the biggest applause that I got was when I spoke about those kids I had visited in Ramallah, and I said to an Israeli audience that it is profoundly Jewish, it is profoundly consistent with Israel’s traditions to care about them… .When something like that happens, that has foreign-policy consequences, and precisely …

Obama is scary because he loves Jews so much and loves Israel. His love represents one of the reasons Torah sages insist that non-Jews should be discouraged from converting to Judaism.


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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.