Photo Credit: PRNewsFoto/Relativity Media
Steven Mnuchin

Jewish-American banker, film producer, and political fundraiser Steven Mnuchin on Wednesday confirmed his nomination to become President-Elect Donald Trump Treasury Secretary. A former partner for Goldman Sachs for 17 years (his father, Robert E. Mnuchin, also worked for Goldman Sachs), Mnuchin, served as national finance chairman for Trump’s campaign. He would be the third Goldman alumnus to serve as head of Treasury, after Henry M. Paulson Jr. under President George W. Bush and Robert E. Rubin under President Bill Clinton.

Mnuchin Sr. founded the Mnuchin Gallery at 45 East 78th Street, New York.


Before the elections, Mnuchin was chairman of Dune Capital Management, financing the X-Men film franchise, Avatar, American Sniper and Mad Max: Fury Road, among other blockbusters. Before Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin worked for Soros Fund Management and co-founded OneWest Bank Group.

Mnuchin, who had given to Democrats including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, was an early Trump supporter, and attended his victory party after his New York primary win April 19. The next day he accepted Trump’s invitation to be finance chairman.

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