Photo Credit: Roni Schutzer/FLASH90

Here’s, the average of 2 polls published last week, Channel 2 and Jerusalem Post. The Post poll was conducted November 12-13 and the Channel 2 poll was published November 14.

Current Knesset seats in [brackets], Week 5 average in (brackets):


37.0 (38.0) [42] Likud Beitenu

21.5 (22.3) [08] Labor

13.0 (11.0) [–] Yesh Atid

11.0 (09.0) [07] National Union-Jewish Home

11.0 (13.0) [10] Shas

5.0 (5.6) [05] Yahadut Hatorah/UTJ

4.5 (3.3) [03] Meretz

3.5 (3.6) [04] Hadash

3.5 (3.0) [03] Balad

3.0 (3.3) [04] Ra’am-Ta’al

2.5 (3.6) [01] Am Shalem

2.5 (1.6) [05] Independence

2.0 (2.3) [28] Kadima

66.5 (69) [65] Right

53.5 (51) [55] Center-Left


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Jeremy Saltan is a frequent guest on various radio programs and and a veteran political analyst. He has run political campaigns in English and Hebrew for Israeli municipality, party institution, primary and general elections. Jeremy’s opinion pieces have been published, quoted or credited by Voice of America, Daily Beast, France 24, Washington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, Foreign Policy, Jerusalem Post, Times of Israel, Israel National News and the Jewish Press and more.