Photo Credit: Kobi Gideon, Issam Rimawi/ / FLASH90
Mort Zuckerman / Mahmoud Abbas

A scheduled meeting of prominent American Jews with Palestinian Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) was cancelled under heavy pressure from Israel’s Prime Minister’s office. Both American and Israeli sources confirmed the report in Maariv.

A private meeting was scheduled in New York on Monday between Abu Mazen, who had come to attend United Nations deliberations, and several influential members of the American Jewish community. The meeting had been arranged by Jewish media tycoon Mort Zuckerman, who is considered close to Prime Minister Netanyahu.


Also invited were VP of the Conference of Presidents Malcolm Honlin and Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League.

When the prime minister became aware of the pending meeting, he informed Zuckerman that it was unacceptable for the Jewish community will meet the Palestinian Authority chairman as long as he refuses, in policy, to meet with the Israeli leader.

As a result, the meeting was cancelled. A Jewish source in New York told: “In light of Abu Mazen’s actions and his refusal to meet the prime minister, this was the necessary conclusion.” The Prime Minister’s office refused to comment.

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