Photo Credit: Shlomit Shavit / Nature and Parks Authority
8 Golan Heights eagles die from poisoning

Eight eagles died and two are fighting for their lives after having ingested poison on the Golan Heights. The birds were discovered on Friday morning by the staff of Israel’s Nature and Parks Authority. The poisoning took place in an IDF fire zone in Nafah.

The Nature and Parks Authority stated that this was a severely harmful incident, which has a devastating impact on the eagle population in the Golan during the nesting season.


The inspectors of the Nature and Parks Authority also discovered a dead fox and two dead jackals in the same area. They are searching the entire vicinity in hope of finding more hidden poison before more birds or animals gain access to it.

The Authority said it plans to use all the means at its disposal to find those responsible for the poisoning and bring them to justice.

The Wildlife Hospital on the grounds of the Safari in Ramat Gan has been placed on special alert.

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