Photo Credit: Yossi Zamir/Flash90
Israeli soldiers take position in Sderot, October 8, 2023.

An IDF force fought overnight Monday to repel 70 terrorists in Kibbutz Be’eri, the IDF spokesman reported, adding they may have used a tunnel, this despite the billion-dollar wall that was supposed to block all attempts to dig new tunnels into Israel.

Fighting continues Monday morning on seven fronts inside the Gaza envelope while the evacuation of residents from the area continues.


The IDF estimates that on Shabbat Simchat Torah between 800 and 1,000 terrorists entered Israel through some 80 gaps in the fence, and attacked 20 settlements and 11 IDF bases, including division headquarters. As I reported yesterday, the reason it took the IDF four hours to arrive at the stormed settlements was that many soldiers had been killed or kidnapped to Gaza.

Most of the terrorists who returned to Be’eri were killed, but some have taken refuge inside local houses, and the fighting there continues. Seven terrorists were identified in Kfar Aza overnight and they fled to the fields.

There were also penetrations in Nirim, Alumim, Shaar Hanegev, Nir Oz, and Holit.

As of Monday morning, settlements within 4 km from the border in the Gaza envelopes are being evacuated.

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