Photo Credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90
Gazans inspect the rubble of a building destroyed by Israeli warplanes in Rafah, southern Gaza Strip, October 8, 2023.

The IDF announced that it attacked 500 Hamas and Islamic Jihad targets in the Gaza Strip overnight Monday and that more than 1,100 targets in the Gaza Strip have been attacked since the beginning of the war on Saturday. Among other things, eight Hamas and Jihad headquarters were bombed overnight Monday, a building where the Hamas naval force was active, three tunnels in the Beit Hanun area, and a mosque where Hamas was operating.


The Arabs report a large number of dead and say it is difficult to evacuate the casualties. According to these reports, 11 people were killed in an attack on a building overnight Monday. It appears that the IAF has abandoned its knock-on-the-rooftop policy of warning residents before their building is taken down.

An eyewitness told Haaretz: “I’ve been through all the wars since 2007, we’ve never seen anything like this – indiscriminate destruction.”

One wonders why.

“Whole buildings and houses have collapsed and it is estimated that at least dozens are stuck under the rubble. It seems that there is no red line, as if the entire strip is a bank of targets and every building is a target,” the eyewitness said.

IDF Spokesman Daniel Hagari said Monday morning: “In the last 20 hours, the IDF carried out 4 air attack waves in the Gaza Strip, during which more than 800 targets were attacked. Between 50-60 fighter jets participated in each attack wave.

“In total, since the beginning of the war, Air Force aircraft have dropped about 2,000 explosives and more than 1,000 tons of bombs on Gaza. The first attack wave was carried out yesterday at 3:00 in the afternoon. It lasted about an hour and a half, during which the Air Force dropped hundreds of tons of explosives on 120 targets in the city of Beit Hanun.

“The second attack wave was carried out yesterday at 9:00 in the evening. It lasted about an hour and a half, during which the Air Force dropped 100 tons of explosives on about 120 targets throughout Shejaiya in Gaza City.

“A third attack wave was carried out at 1:00 AM and included an attack on about 25 targets, including 20 military infrastructures. In addition, three rocket launchers aimed at the territory of the State of Israel and a mosque from which the fighting in Jabaliya was conducted were attacked.

“A fourth attack wave was completed a short time ago this morning, in which the Air Force attacked more than 500 targets all over the Gaza Strip.

“In total, with the opening of the third day of the war, the Israeli Air Force destroyed approximately 1,200 targets in the Gaza Strip, along its length and breadth. At any given moment, there are dozens of aircraft over the Gaza Strip.

“The IDF will continue to carry out more intense and significant attacks throughout the Gaza Strip.

“So far, 21 high-rise buildings in Gaza have been attacked regarding which there was intelligence information about a connection to terrorist activity. A military headquarters of the terrorist organization Hamas was located in one of the buildings.

“As of this hour, according to the IDF’s estimates, there are more than 400 terrorists killed in the Gaza Strip, and hundreds more terrorists killed in the territory of the State of Israel. This is alongside dozens of prisoners among the terrorists caught in Israeli territory.

“At the same time as the airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, tens of thousands of IDF soldiers under the command of IDF commanders continue to cleanse the area surrounding Gaza of terrorists. This is a combative process of going from door to door, searching the yards, and doing extensive searches.

“Directed by the Navy’s control units, the Navy eliminated dozens of terrorists who tried to enter the country by sea. Shayetet 13 special forces took captive a senior member of the Hamas naval force during these encounters. He was caught on the beach.

“The IDF continues to increase preparedness in all the theaters of war: forces are being increased in the north and are thwarting attempts to carry out terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, where we monitor the activities of the terrorist organizations.

“In recent days, the IDF has recruited hundreds of thousands of reserve soldiers for various positions in the field and at headquarters. Contrary to the rumors, there is no shortage of equipment in the army. The IDF provides the soldiers with all the equipment necessary to perform the various tasks in the front and the rear. Given the large number of recruits, in some cases, it takes some time to distribute all the equipment.”

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