Photo Credit: IDF
IDF armored vehicles moving through northern Gaza, October 31, 2023.

Terrorists in northern Gaza targeted IDF soldiers during the temporary ceasefire that has been in place since last Friday.

“Over the last hour, three explosive devices were detonated adjacent to IDF troops in two different locations in the northern Gaza Strip, violating the framework of the operational pause,” the IDF said Tuesday afternoon.


“In one of the locations, terrorists also opened fire at the troops, who responded with fire.” Several soldiers were “lightly” injured, but their families were being notified so their condition is not yet clear.

“In both incidents, the troops were located in positions as per the framework of the operational pause,” within the agreed ceasefire lines, the IDF noted.

At least four soldiers were wounded, according to Israel Realtime.

“Due to a clear breach by the enemy of the ceasefire agreement in the north of the Gaza Strip today, a field friction occurred, and our fighters dealt with this breach,” Hamas claimed in a statement about the incidents.

The so-called “clear breach” was a reference to an arrest operation by Israeli military forces in the Palestinian Authority town of Tubas, where Hamas claims the IDF fired an “Energa” shell at a “besieged home.”

IDF special forces did indeed surround a house in Tubas (in eastern Samaria) on Tuesday morning to arrested a wanted terrorist suspect who barricaded himself inside the home. Several of the suspect’s family members were arrested, and a shoulder-fired missiles was launched at the building in an attempt to persuade the suspect to surrender, according to the Abu Ali Express news site, which added that an IDF bulldozer destroyed the fence surrounding the home.

“We are committed to the truce as long as the enemy adheres to it, and we call on the mediators to pressure the occupation to comply with all terms of the truce on the ground and in the air,” Hamas said.

A four-day “hudna” was implemented to allow the release of Israeli hostages from Hamas captivity and release of convicted Palestinian Authority terrorists from Israeli prisons.

On Monday evening, Hamas and Israel agreed to a two-day extension of the ceasefire to allow for the release of more hostages from captivity and convicted terrorists from prison.

It’s not yet clear if or how the ceasefire violation may impact continuation of the extension.

This is a developing story.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.