Photo Credit: IDF
Hamas underwater terror tunnel..

IDF forces struck a Hamas underwater tunnel on the morning of June 3, an IDF spokesman released for publication Sunday.

According to a statement, the IDF hit a military position of Hamas’ special naval force in the northern Gaza Strip, neutralizing a tunnel opening out into the sea. The attack was carried out as part of a broad strike against Hamas targets following rocket fire into Israel.


The IDF said the tunnel would have enabled Hamas naval commandos to carry out amphibious terrorist attacks against Israel. The tunnel was identified during the course of operations against the Hamas naval force over the past year, the statement added.

“The IDF will block any attempt to harm the security of the state of Israel and will act against terrorism of all kinds. The IDF will carry out its mission to defend the security of the citizens of the state of Israel and to protect its sovereignty,” the army spokesman said.

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