Photo Credit: IDF Spokesperson
Illegal weapons confiscated by the IDF, October 11, 2022.

IDF, Border Guard, and Shin Bet units operated overnight Tuesday to locate and arrest ten wanted terrorists throughout Judea and Samaria. The Israeli security forces operated in several locations in the territory covered by the Judea and Samaria Division, including the villages of Kafr Ni’ma and Deir Abu Masha’al outside Ramallah.

Al Quds reported early Tuesday morning that its editor, Uday Zawahra, from Beit Tamar, east of Bethlehem, was also arrested, along with Ahmed Thawabteh from Beit Fajjar, and Imad Sadaqa, from Anza, near Jenin.


In addition, IDF forces operated overnight Tuesday in the area covered by ​​the Judea Regional Division in the city of Hebron and the village of Bayt Awa. Three wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities were arrested. A Carlo semi-automatic weapon, military equipment, and a stolen vehicle were located and confiscated.

In the villages of Za’tara and Bayt Fajar near Bethlehem, in the area covered by the Etzion Brigade, two wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activity were arrested. An M-16 weapon and additional weapons were located and confiscated.

In the area covered by the Samaria Regional Division, IDF forces arrested three wanted persons suspected of involvement in terrorist activities in the villages of Beitut and Kalil.

IDF soldiers also operated in the area of ​​the Menasha Regional Division, in the villages of Khirbet Atayeh and Anza, and arrested two wanted persons suspected of terrorist activity.

There were no casualties to the Israeli forces.

The arrested wanted persons and the confiscated weapons were transferred to the Shin Bet for interrogation.

In Jerusalem, Ayman Sarandah, Jamal Al-Tamimi, and his son Khaled from the town of Anata were also arrested.

Anat (Anath), Canaanite goddess. / Camocon

Incidentally, Anata is identified as Biblical Anathoth, the birthplace of the prophet Jeremiah. An alternative etymology links both names to the Canaanite goddess Anat, associated with warfare and hunting.

The circle is complete.

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