Photo Credit: Dr. Nathan Unger/United Hatzalah
Dr. Ungar together with the flight crew watching over the revived patient.

In a mid-air medical incident aboard an El-Al flight from Bulgaria to Israel on Tuesday, a septuagenarian passenger faced a diabetic emergency. The alertness of a vigilant flight attendant proved pivotal as she noticed the elderly individual losing consciousness and promptly sought urgent aid.

Fortuitously, Dr. Nathan Ungar, an aviation physician and dedicated United Hatzalah volunteer, was among the passengers. Having established a rapport with the flight crew through his frequent travels accompanying unwell individuals, Ungar was swiftly informed of the unfolding emergency.


Upon reaching the distressed passenger, Ungar discovered him in a slumped state, having only just regained consciousness and exhibiting profuse sweating. The diabetic passenger managed to convey his condition to Ungar, who suspected low blood sugar levels.

Ungar promptly requested the onboard doctor’s kit, a standard provision on every flight containing essential medical tools and medications for various in-flight emergencies. Simultaneously, he sought a jar of honey from the crew while awaiting the medical kit.

The honey was expediently delivered, and Ungar administered it to the ailing passenger. Upon the arrival of the medical kit, he assessed the patient’s sugar levels, finding relief in their rise due to the honey. However, concerns lingered as the individual’s blood pressure and saturation levels remained low.

In an abrupt turn of events, the ailing passenger once again succumbed to unconsciousness, accompanied by shallow breathing. Dr. Ungar, responding swiftly to the deteriorating situation, orchestrated the relocation of the patient to the galley floor, enlisting the assistance of a fellow passenger to elevate the individual’s legs. Employing a comprehensive approach, Ungar connected the patient to an oxygen supply, initiated an intravenous line, and administered crucial fluids, ultimately facilitating the gradual return of consciousness.

Given the patient’s precarious state, having experienced two episodes of unconsciousness, Dr. Ungar advocated for an emergency landing at the nearest airport. Unable to return to his original seat, the patient found support in the galley, where Ungar assumed a vigilant position beside flight attendants, closely monitoring the patient’s condition throughout. The decisive call for an emergency landing materialized as the plane touched down at Rhodes International Airport.

Promptly responding emergency crews from Rhodes boarded the aircraft, effecting the swift transfer of the patient to a nearby hospital for further medical attention. Encouragingly, the patient is currently in stable condition and on the path to recovery.

Reflecting on the critical incident, Dr. Ungar conveyed his gratitude for the fortuitous alignment of circumstances, stating, “I’m blessed to have been in the right place at the right time,” underscoring the profound sense of fulfillment derived from contributing to a life-saving intervention.


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