Photo Credit: Doron Horowitz / Flash 90
The Dead Sea

A 77-year-old tourist drowned in the Dead Sea on Monday morning.

People on the scene, as well as an arriving Magen David Adom medic, failed to resuscitate the woman.


MDA paramedic Hadas Amir said, “We were told that they pulled the woman out of the water while she was unconscious. We continued in performing advanced resuscitation operations that included massages, breaths and medication and unfortunately, we had to pronounce her dead on the spot.”

The Dead Sea, one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world, is a popular tourism spot. Because of its high density of salt, people float effortlessly, fueling a misconception that it is impossible to drown in the Dead Sea.

However, people have drowned by getting turned over in high winds or by losing their balance walking on slippery rocks below the surface. Swallowing Dead Sea water can have toxic effects by disrupting the body’s electrolyte balance. Swimmers are warned not to let the water touch their eyes, ears, nose or lips.

Other swimmers have dehydrated after spending too much time in the water.

The Dead Sea is also known for being the lowest point on Earth, at 430 meters below sea level.

Lifeguards are stationed along the beaches and authorities warn against swimming in unguarded areas.

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